
Install libtree via pip install libtree. Then start the interactive Python interpreter of your choice to start working with libtree:

# Imports
from libtree import Tree
import psycopg2

# Connect to PostgreSQL
connection = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test_tree user=vortec")
tree = Tree(connection)

# Start working with libtree inside a database transaction
with tree(write=True) as transaction:

    # Create tables

    # Create nodes
    root = transaction.insert_root_node()
    binx = root.insert_child({'title': 'Binary folder'})
    bash = binx.insert_child({'title': 'Bash executable', 'chmod': 755})
    etc = root.insert_child({'title': 'Config folder'})
    hosts = etc.insert_child({'title': 'Hosts file'})
    passwd = etc.insert_child({'title': 'Password file', 'chmod': 644})

    # Direct attribute access
    root.children  # => binx, etc
    len(root)  # => 2
    binx.parent  # => root
    bash.ancestors  # => binx, root
    root.descendants  # => binx, bash, etc, hosts, passwd

    # Query by property
    transaction.get_nodes_by_property_key('chmod')  # bash, passwd
    transaction.get_nodes_by_property_dict({'chmod': 644})  # passwd

    # Move bash node into etc node
    etc.children  # => hosts, passwd, bash
    etc.children  # => hosts, bash, passwd

    # Print entire tree
    # Output:
    # <NodeData id='0301770b-fe53-4447-88cc-87ce313e8d9a'>
    #   <NodeData id='726241b7-d1d0-4f50-8db4-1f45e133b52c', title='Binary folder'>
    #   <NodeData id='1afce8e3-975a-4daa-93e7-88d879c05224', title='Config folder'>
    #     <NodeData id='4db559b8-97b0-4b67-ad69-20644fcc3cfe', title='Hosts file'>
    #     <NodeData id='8f458921-d6db-4f34-8ee4-211c15e78471', title='Bash executable'>
    #     <NodeData id='4312a7bf-53c9-4c14-80a3-5f7dd385b25c', title='Password file'>